
ZRA Request Petitioner Council Bill Bill Status
211 (2nd revised)

To amend Section 116 P.E.C. Bulk regulations to provide greater setbacks for research activities that require MDE air emission permits.

Anwer Hasan CB11-2025Council Bill

To amend the Corridor Employment (CE) zone under Section 127.2.B to add 'Warehousing, within a flex space' as a permitted use.

Tradepoint Atlantic, LLC CB64-2024Council Bill Approved 12/5/2024 Effective 2/4/2025
209 (revised)

To amend the Zoning Regulations for the Corridor Activity Center (CAC) zone as follows:
- Amend Section 127.5.B to allow "Self Storage" as a commercial use
- Amend Section 127.5.E.2 to reduce commercial frontage requirement from 50% to 20%
- Delete Section 127.5.E.3.b

The Weinman Company CB63-2024Council Bill Approved 12/5/2024 Effective 2/4/2025

To amend Section 117.3.C to add "School, Commercial" as a permitted use, which would allow a low-intensity primary and secondary educational tutoring business to be located in the OT (Office Transition) zoning district.

Demirel Plaza, LLC CB62-2024Council Bill Approved 12/5/2024 Effective 2/4/2025
207 (revised)

To establish a new conditional use category permitting self-storage facilities in the B-2 zoning district.

Normandy Venture Limited Partnership - Attn: Dave Moxley CB59-2024Council Bill Approved 12/5/2024 Effective 2/4/2025

To allow additional square footage for detached accessory structures in RC and RR zoning districts.

Elite Facility Management


Failed 5/6/2024

To clarify the types of light manufacturing uses that can be conducted on a POR zoned parcel that is within 1800 feet by road of an interstate highway ramp by specifying and, thereby, excluding other light manufacturing uses.

Corridor 70/32, LLC


Approved 4/1/2024

To amend the definitions of "Parking Area, Parking Facility or Parking Use" and "Solar Collector, Rooftop" to ensure
that solar canopies are permitted by right uses on parking structures.

Christiana Rigby


Approved 11/6/2023 Effective 1/9/2024

To to amend Section 131.0.N.27 to make certain that historic venue uses are permitted under the Conditional Use for Historic Building Uses.

Demirel Plaza, LLC


Approved 2/6/2023 Effective 4/10/2023

To amend Section 131.0.N.27 to make certain that historic venue uses are permitted under the Conditional Use for Historic Building Uses.

BFEA-Curtis Farm, LLC 


Approved 5/4/2023, Effective 7/4/2023

To amend the Howard County Zoning Regulations to add "Electric Vehicle Repair and Maintenance" as a new conditional use in the CE (Corridor Employment) District.

Apple Ford, Inc. Withdrawn 5/3/22

To amend the Howard County Zoning Regulations to allow Age-Restricted Adult Housing in the B-1 (Business: Local) Zoning District as a Conditional Use (Section 131.0), under certain conditions.

 David Yungmann


Approved  5/4/22, Effective 7/5/22